SALON LYOL / COVID-19 Prevention

The Salon follows all BodySafe and COVID-19 guidelines from Toronto Public Health and the Provincial government including the COVID-19 Guidelines for Personal Service Settings and Hair Salons and Barber Shops COVID-19 Prevention Checklist. Specifically, all salon staff must perform a self-assessment every day before each shift.  They are required to wear a mask at all times and to disinfect all surfaces and instruments before and after each service. In addition, the Salon employees 3 HEPA certified air filters and we also use a non-residential ventilation unit (NRVU) which continuously exchanges inside air for fresh air from the outside.  The Salon is disinfected every day. 

At SALON LYOL, we require that all our guests have received at least 2 doses of Government of Canada approved COVID-19 vaccines. Our staff are fully vaccinated and participate in Provincial Rapid Antigen Testing.

#vaccine #vaccinated #vaccination #vaccinepassport #vaccinecertificate #rapidtest